Building Lives of Achievement, Reach & Empowerment


When Gideon and his 300 men charged the many thousands of Midianites, the former blared their trumpets, making the Midianites think they were surrounded by a mighty army. The Midianites panicked, fighting amongst themselves as they fled, leaving behind many of their own dead as they disappeared into the hills, never to return.

God gave Gideon’s men victory because they were humble and faithful. They believed in The Father, even against seemingly insurmountable odds. The message to me has always been, when God calls you to act, focus not on the challenge; instead, concentrate on the power of The One who called you to act.

This passage encapsulates the philosophy behind the BLARE Foundation.

Areas of Focus

  • A steady hand of support

  • Extending educational opportunity

  • Opening doors to opportunity

  • Bridging the digital divide

  • Fostering personal agency

  • Mentorship

“We like to believe that things happen because someone wanted them to, that individuals have power and agency: otherwise, the world feels unpredictable, confusing, and frightening.”

— Hans Rosling, Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think



    We facilitate mentorship for students and adults. We connect them with resources and support for mental health, social and emotional support, and with entrepreneurial input and instruction.


    We partner with other charitable organizations to provide small business education and technical training for students and adults, in hopes of bridging the digital divide that exists in our rural and urban communities.


    Our families and our youths are in crisis across the nation. Homelessness has exploded in cities nationwide, as affordable housing rates decline. This comes at a time when the U.S. Surgeon General has declared a mental health crisis for our youth. BLARE offers individual and organizational support and funding to ameliorate both challenges.